library policies
Quick Links
Programming Policies
Meeting & Study Room
Wireless Access Policies
Technology Use Policy
Library Use Policies
7.1 ADA Compliance
7.2 Code of Conduct
7.18 Unattended Children
Library Cards & Borrower Responsibility
7.4 Library Cards
7.5 Circulation
7.6 Lost Damaged Materials
Technology Lending Policy
Meeting & Study Room Use
Guidelines & General Rules of Use
Meeting Room Reservation Guide
- At least one member of the group must have a MORE library card.
- A Meeting Room Application must be completed and submitted in order to reserve a room.
- The applicant must agree to abide by this policy, as well as applicable laws, regulations, and policies.
- Events presented by the Hudson Area Public Library take priority, with secondary preference being given to the Hudson Area Library Foundation and the Hudson Area Friends of the Library.
- A single group may make advanced reservations for up to three consecutive meetings. Additional reservations, by the same group, are allowed after the final consecutive meeting.
- Reservations are accepted up to 60 days prior to the desired meeting date.
- Usage is limited to once a week per group with a time limit of four hours.
- Meeting rooms are available during normal open hours.
- Requests to reserve a meeting room are made at either of the information desks on the second floor of the Library or on the Library’s website.
Meeting Room Rules of Use
- Meetings must be free and open to the public, such as public lectures, panel discussions, film and slide presentations, group discussions, workshops, and other similar functions.
- Meeting may be presented by organizations or individuals engaged in free educational, cultural, intellectual, governmental or charitable activities.
- When not reserved, Room 219 is available as a quiet study area for multiple individuals.
- Meeting rooms and study rooms must be left in a clean, orderly condition after use. Users are responsible for any and all damage caused by their use of the room and/or equipment.
- Attaching items to the walls, temporarily or permanently, is prohibited.
- Light refreshments may be served. Alcohol may not be served.
- Library staff may monitor all meetings, programs, and events to ensure compliance with library policies.
- The Library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints of meetings or meeting room users, and users must not imply that an event is endorsed, sponsored, co-sponsored, or approved by the Library.
The Following are Prohibited Uses of Meeting and Study Rooms
- Any purpose which may interfere with the regular operation of the Library.
- Non-Library sponsored recitals.
- Use that involves the sale, advertising, solicitation (including the solicitation of donations or gifts) and/or promotion of commercial products or service.
- Personal, company, or family parties.
- Use that requires a fee of any kind, such as entrance or participation fees, with the exception of library fundraising events.
- Use intended, directly or indirectly, to obtain clients or customers for a for-profit service or company.
- Fundraising activities, except for those events sponsored by the Hudson Area Library, Hudson Area Library Foundation or Friends of the Hudson Area Library.
- Fee-for-service, e.g. tutoring sessions, taking of legal depositions, interviews or other such activities that charge the participants a fee.
- Use that involves illegal activity and/or activity that may pose a safety risk to persons or property.
Study Room Rules
- Meeting and study rooms (205, 206, 216) are available for use on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Rooms may be reserved for up to two hours. Extensions may be granted if no one is waiting.
- Anyone using a room beyond two hours understands that when another user wishes to use the room for two hours, the room becomes available to the next user.
- Requests to use a meeting room should be made at either of the Information desks located on the second floor of the Library.
- Employers and job placement agencies may use the study rooms to conduct interviews, with approval.
- Individuals may request a specific room if it is not in use.
Approved by Board of Trustees: May 10, 2010
Effective Date: May 10, 2010Revision / Review Date: February 15, 2011; December 12, 2011; January 15, 2019
The Library shall not be liable for any loss, damage, or personal injury resulting from the use of the Library’s meeting and/or study rooms. The Library makes no warranties or representations regarding its meeting and study rooms. In exchange for being permitted to use these rooms the user agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless, the Hudson Area Public Library, its agents, and representatives, the Hudson Area Public Library Board, Library employees, and volunteers, as well as the four joint municipalities—City of Hudson, Town of Hudson, Village of North Hudson, and Town of St. Joseph—from any claims of loss, damages, or injuries arising in any way out of the use of this equipment.
Wireless Access Policies
The Hudson Area Public Library will provide free Internet access points or “hot spots” for users with portable computers or devices capable of receiving wireless signals, during normal library business hours. This allows users to access the Internet when sitting within range of the access points.
Library staff will provide general information on the settings necessary to access the library’s network, but are not responsible for any changes made to computer settings and cannot guarantee that a user’s hardware will work with the library’s wireless connection.
If a user has problems accessing the Internet over these connections, staff cannot assist in making changes to the user’s network settings or perform any troubleshooting on the user’s own computer. Users should refer to their owner’s manuals or other support services offered by their device manufacturer.
Library power outlets may not always be available. Patrons will refrain from blocking aisles with electrical and other cords and will move upon request of the Library Staff. The library does not guarantee that customers will be always able to make a wireless connection. As with most public wireless “hot spots,” the library’s wireless connection is not secure. Another wireless user could potentially intercept any information being sent or received. Wireless users should not transmit their credit card information, passwords and any other sensitive personal information over a wireless connection.
The library is not responsible for any personal information that is compromised, or for any damage caused to hardware or software due to electric surges, security issues or consequences caused by viruses or hacking. All wireless access users should have up-to-date virus protection on their computers or devices.
Printers are not available via the wireless connection at this time. If users need to print, they should save their work to a portable storage device (e.g. USB flash drive) or wait to print a document on a home printer. An alternative is to email files to themselves, then login to a wired library workstation and send documents to the public printer.
Approved by the Hudson Library Board of Trustees, February 15, 2011
Technology Use Policy
7.17.1 Purpose
The Hudson Area Joint Library is committed to providing access to information and resources to all individuals. Computers, as well as the Library’s wireless network provide individuals with access to the Library’s catalog, the Internet, Microsoft Office programs, and a variety of other resources and databases. This access is an integral part of the Library’s mission and service to the community.
7.17.2 Acceptable Use Policy
By logging in and accepting the Library’s Acceptable Use Policy, public access computer users and users of the Library’s wireless network agree to assume responsibility, as well as any liability for the risks associated with Internet usage. Violations of the Library’s Technology Use Policy will result in the suspension of all computer privileges. Illegal acts may be subject to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities. In addition, users shall agree to hold harmless, indemnify, and unconditionally reimburse the Hudson Area Joint Library for any damages, liability costs, claims, or expenses the Hudson Area Joint Library may incur, which arise from any misuse of Internet access or violation of the Technology Use policy by the user.
- Users must login with their own library card and may not use another individual’s library card.
- Out-of-town visitor may use a guest pass to login to the Library’s public access computers.
- Users must have a basic understanding of computers. Library staff are available for basic assistance, as time allows.
- Users are financially responsible for any charges they incur from their use of the Internet.
- Prompt payment of printing fees incurred while using the library’s computers is required.
- Users must bring their own storage devices and may not store work on the public access computer hard drive.
- Personal software may not be used on nor downloaded to the Library’s computers.
- Internet users are required to use the Internet within the guidelines of acceptable use.
The following activities are unacceptable:
This includes, but is not limited to:
7.17.3 Failure to Comply with Acceptable Use Policy
Library employees will determine what constitutes inappropriate use of the Internet or violation of this policy. Failure to comply with the Technology Use Policy will result in a request from a Library employee to discontinue the activity. Continued violations will result in a request to leave the Library facility and may lead to revocation of Library privileges including the right to visit the buildings and grounds for a period up to 6-months or permanently at the discretion of the Library Director. Repeat offenders or persons ordered from the premises who do not comply may be subject to arrest and prosecution for trespassing.
7.17.4 Disclaimer for Use of the Library’s Computers, the Internet, and the Library’s Wireless Access Network
The Hudson Area Joint Library shall have no liability for direct, indirect, or consequential damages related to use of the information accessed or transmitted via the Internet. Library users who access the Internet should be aware of the following:
The Hudson Area Joint Library believes that only parents and legal guardians have the right and responsibility to monitor and control their minor children’s access to the Internet and to information on the Internet. The Hudson Area Joint Library does not act in loco parentis—in place of parents and/or legal guardians.
The Hudson Area Joint Library cannot guarantee confidentiality of personal information provided by patrons over the Internet (credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other personal information).
The Hudson Area Joint Library complies with the United States Copyright Law, and other federal, state, and local laws relating to use of the Internet and other electronic media.
The Hudson Area Joint Library is not responsible for work or information lost due to computer or system malfunctions.
Not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information. The Library denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained online.
The Library is not responsible for lost data and does not guarantee any supplied program. Users will be held financially responsible for any damage or alteration to equipment or software.
Misuse of equipment, or failure to follow any of the guidelines in this policy, including failure to abide by the Library’s Code of Conduct policy, will result in loss of computer privileges.
The Library is not liable for any risk taken by a patron who chooses to connect their own device to the Library’s wireless.
Quick Links
Programming Policies
Meeting & Study Room
Wireless Access Policies
Technology Use Policy